1st blog in A Code language.
Hello Frnds, I am sorry today that I am going to write this post in code language. If u are able to crack the code understand what I had written, plz comment here... Waiting for ur comments. But Here question arises Why am I writing in code? Because there is something I want to share but I can't share directly to this Internet world. So using this code. Ok let's start "3@ 3( = -~3+-310+-0?? $8% 3( 8=__0+@ $3(8 5% 9)+1@? $8%? $8%? $8=(? %0@ 3 =5 2~3+2 (~ (066 +~$… 9)~5 (80 @-8~~6 1=%@ (366 +~$ 3 63401 4 23)6@. (+=50 80)0 $366 `0 -8=+201, 1~ +~( -~+@310) (805 =@ ~)323+=6).=66 ~9 (805 8=*0 ~+0 @3536=)3(%. %0@ ~+0 (83+2 3 6340 (~ 50+(3~+ 5% `0@( 9)+1 =6@~ 6~*0 = 23)6, @80 8=@ =6@~ @=50 @3536=)3(%. $8=( (8=(?? 8~$ -=+ 3 @8=)0 3 1~ +~( 4+~$??~4 3 =5 $)3(3+2 9)~5 @(=)(3+2. 3+ @-8~~6 3 63401 = 23)6 ((80)0 3@ = 8#20 13990)0+-0 `0($00+ 6340 =+1 6~*0). 80) +=50 3@ 2~6150))%. 3+ -~66020 3 63401 = 23)6 80) +=50 3@ (=(. 3+ 0+2 3 63401 =+~(80) ~+0. 80) +=50 3@ @=+7=+=. =+1 ...