3 Mus for students

The 3 Mus are :
  1. Muda: (Wastge)
  2. Mura: (Inconsistency)
  3. Muri: (Stress & strain)
For quality improvement in manufacturing these are very important factors. But How these are important in a student's life, I am going to write today. How a student can improve his ability or quality.

In quality there are 7 types of mudas, for student also there are 7 types of mudas
  1. Muda of over sleeping
  2. Muda of waiting (Waiting to take bath, waiting for food, waiting for bus, waiting for campus :), waiting for attendance in class)
  3. Muda of over surfing net and over talking with friends specially with boy/girl friends
  4. Muda of Exam (When classes are of 22 hours, check the potential of student there by surprise test or everyday test why extra exam)
  5. Muda of loaded with books and information in a single day and making useless notes
  6. Muda of extra entrainment (Party every night, wasting money on fashions etc)
  7. Muda of drinking, smoking, extra food
No need to tell about it.
{No upper tolerence level. There should be a upper tolerence level for student. Means if students get more than 90% he cannot go for engineering, because they are book worm (My perception). They can not add value in terms of extra curricular activity and innovativeness. }*

Inconsistant in terms of study as well as extra curricular activities. There is always variability. If one is good at numbers then he is bad at something. If one is good at public speak then he is not good at analyzing.. these are variablities...

Stress and strain.... No need to explain....

Special comment: These are purely my words. If there is any resemblance with any person's personal life then it is purely coincidental. 20% things written here are 80% time true and 80% things are only 20% time true.

* Pure My view do not comment on this
Update on 8th Jan at 2:50 Pm

I for got to mention about 8th Muda which is "Not utilizing Human Potential"... we do not do work in group... because our teaching method (from childhood) is wrong... So we are unable to do work in groups....


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